Dave Meltzer presents his worst argument of all-time as to why the booking of Ibushi losing his Wrestle Kingdom main event briefcase, but still getting his main event title shot anyways made "perfect sense."

Bryan "Jerry McDevitt" Alvarez eviscerates Lionel Hutz's case. [THREAD]
BA: "Dude, Ibushi lost the briefcase!"

DM: "I know. But, but, he saved Naito, so Naito's giving him a title match."

BA: "I am so flabbergasted."
Alvarez: "If WWE did that, we would be RAILING against that."
Alvarez: "He (Ibushi) saved Naito, I understand that. 85 guys ran-in. But that's enough to kill the whole idea of the briefcase at the G1?"
DM: "Guy's who don't get the briefcase gets shots all the time."

BA: "Yes, not at the Tokyo Dome."

DM: "They did last year! They did last year! THEY DID LAST YEAR!"
Alvarez: "Well, Dave, it's kind of like Otis winning the Money in the Bank briefcase and then Miz winning it from him in a court case 'cause they paid off the judge and arguing that it's good because they 'told a story' and they 'booked an angle'."
"At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it."
If you book yourself into a corner by having a double champion, then book yourself into another corner by having a 2-night Tokyo Dome main event, just shoot a nonsensical angle and say, "the story is..." and you get a free pass. #MeltzerLogic 🙃
🧒 "I liked that match."

đŸ€Ż "WUT!?!"
Bryan trying to understand Dave's logic...
Remember when Shane McMahon lost to The Undertaker at WrestleMania for his chance to become the GM, but then he lost, but WWE shot an angle and "told a story" as to why he would become GM anyways and Dave heaped praise all over WWE? No?
Bryan beating Dave 67% to 17% on The Board~ poll as to who is right over the NJPW angle. Dave clinging onto a narrow lead over La Parka.
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