No more Moffat-hate Tumblr, society has moved past the need for Moffat-hate Tumblr
Apparently Claudia Boleyn's latest video is responsible. She starts the vlog by saying Trump is "very intelligent" for his ostensible bothsidesisms and... is she about to frame this as an analogy for Moffat hate?
"[Moffat] was writing for the little boys" is a fuck of a spit in the face to women, esp. queer women, who were massively impacted by Moffat's Doctor Who.
Claudia's paradigm of uber-woke discourse is based on making moral assertions about a work and its viewers, rather than a textual, cultural, historical, or material analysis. Which is to say it's bad criticism that's also toxic and supercilious.
Claudia spends quite a lot of this video asserting that she's a good person who really, really cares about people.
"Anything media can do... to make people realize trans people are normal people..."

Apparently we're still doing "the LGBT community is normal and valid!" discourse in 2020.
Oh right, the BBC will save trans people.
I'm extremely skeptical of people who whinge about "identity politics" or "virtue signaling," but goddamn this video really is what happens when intersectionality becomes an aesthetic rather than an analytical model.
"I truly think that having more gay couples or bi couples or lesbian couples have led people to accept it."

Hey Claudia, what's your take on queer people whose families disown them over their queerness?
(There's also the crucial issue that Claudia has been emotionally abusive and manipulative towards people she disagrees with.)
"I and a few other people, young feminists, and people from marginalized groups would write critiques about [Moffat] and discuss it. But people in the fandom didn't like it. So if we put it online, we would get harassed."

The volume of lies here is fucking astounding.
Seth being correct as always:
"There were never personal attacks involved in this. It was a pure critique of the writing. I suppose if you regard saying someone is sexist as a personal attack, it was a personal attack."

Yeah no you're a fucking liar.
"Critiques of our critiques [are] absolutely fine."

Eh. Hmm. Uh. Hmm. Hrm. I. Hm. No.
Claudia, I promise nobody has ever accused Moffat critics of being a "hate group."
At the risk of just transcribing Claudia's lies, "if ever someone said something personally awful about Steven Moffat himself, I would be one of the first people to say 'no, that's not acceptable'" is astonishing revisionism.
This isn't to diminish any or all legitimate misogynistic, racist, and homophobic abuse that Claudia received. That doesn't make painting everyone who's criticized her as a raging bigot less inexcusable or mendacious.
Holy shit her premise is actually "the far-right is NutMyDoctor and antifa is anti-Moffatism." Fucking self-parodic.
God the way she handles the Chibnall/Whittaker era is so mealy-mouthed and imprecise.
Yeah she's just making shit up now.
Claudia has stopped pretending that this isn't about her being mad about Time Team.
Y'know, if you're going to talk about Moffat and misogyny in 2020, Dracula would be a good starting point. But Boleyn isn't a legitimate media critic so god forbid she do actual analysis.
Claudia Boleyn, an articulate adult, claims that Trump concedes that fascists are bad, apparently missing "very fine people," "Proud Boys, stand by," and LITERALLY THE ENTIRETY OF THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION WTF
It is unclear what ostensible self-perceived "reasonable, rational middle" faction interpolating itself between Moffat critics and NutMyDoctor Claudia is referring to.
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