
Good morning to all who can see our account again today after we were suspended yesterday for saying *one* word non-abusively about Trump that we’ve seen dozens of men’s accounts say including directly to Trump & none were suspended.



Here’s the thing: Twitter doesn’t suspend accounts on their own. Ever, AFAIK.

All they do is *respond* to ppl reporting accounts, & make decisions on whether those ppl are right or not.

So whether someone’s suspended/banned is 100% due to how many reports Twitter gets.

This makes Twitter extremely misogynistic & racist, & supportive of trolls & the RW.

Becos people report women far more, & Black ppl, & activists. There are RW ppl who spend all their time reporting such accounts, & hoping some of it sticks.

This is amplified ...

... even further becos those assessing Twitter “crimes” are also often sexist, racist & anti-activism. They’re not educated in such oppressions, so make decisions in favour of RW complainants.

Women are silenced.

Minorities are silenced.

Activists are silenced.

You may love Twitter, but it’s a highly misogynist place where 2 ppl can call a person *one word*, & 1 is fine while the other is punished.

If you’re not angry about that, you should be.

Becos powerful white men are running the world, & are doing it on Twitter, too.

Cue those calling us whiners.

Yet raising awareness of how socmed operates isn’t whining. & labelling those oppressed as whiners is the oldest way to further demean & silence them.

This account is never abusive, only sweary. Only women are routinely punished for sweary.

Our account goes down on FB, Twitter & Insta because it’s effective, so is deliberately targeted by the RW.

This has gotten worse since our campaigns on Murdoch so is most probs planned by them or ppl supporting them.

In this way, the #StatusBRO succeeds.

If we’re fighting to make a better world yet on Twitter it’s 1950, what’s the point?

These *systems* are actively fighting change, & progressive action, & equality. Everyone should at least be aware of it.

Yes, FB’s the same.

Billionaires still run the world.

You can follow @MFWitches.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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