thread of questions about toa! qrt with your reply and don't forget to add STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA ✨
who's your favorite character? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
which one is your favorite, trollhunters, 3below or wizards? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
which character has your favorite character design? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
which is your favorite villain(s)? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
what is your favorite canon ship(s)? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
what is your favorite non canon ship(s)? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
who is the most complex, well written character from toa that comes to mind? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
what character would you say is underrated? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
if you had to pick another series to have a crossover with toa, which would it be? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
if you had the chance, would you live in arcadia? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
who is the most attractive character in your opinion? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
who are your favorite side characters? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
adding pictures cuz i feel its gonna help me boost this uhmm STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
what are your theories for rise of the titans? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
pick one: would you rather be an extraterrestrial from akiridion-5 or a wizard from camelot? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
what's your favorite relationship, whether it's platonic or romantic, between two characters in toa? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
which character would you like to be related to? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
what's the most badass moment that comes to mind form toa? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
pick one: would you rather be a wizard apprentice to morgana or a brawling student to draal? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
pick one: have tea with nomura and chat, or go out shopping for some neat boots with zadra? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
you can only bribe out one of these dangerous criminals, who would it be? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
you have the choice to wield either the sword of daylight, the skathe-hrün, or the war hammer, which would you pick? STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA
end of thread cuz i have to do something uhhmmm remember to qrt ur reply n add STREAM TALES OF ARCADIA!!!!
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