alright, rant time.

tw: fatphobia / bodyshaming

Some of y’all get real fucking brave on the tl when you’re arguing with antis, so I’m here to remind you that fatphobia isn’t something you can just sprinkle in when you feel like it and pretend you’re against later.
For all their shit, people on stan twt are normally pretty considerate with pronouns and, when in dms, body positivity, what with all those selca days.
But then you turn around and call someone fat in a quote tweet because they insulted an idol.
That’s not how it works.
You can’t be body-positive and against fatshaming only when it applies to people you like.

Because when you go say those awful things to an anti, or a celebrity or anyone you dislike, all it says it’s that’s how you really feel.
Your friends can fucking hear you.
this thread got jumbled up but idgaf go through and read it yourselves
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