My friend's fiancee just called off their wedding. I don't even know where to start consoling her from.
In his words, he feels they're not "there" yet. Are you freaking kidding me??? You're the one that effing proposed to her, promised her heaven on earth. Arhhhh men!
Jesus men will embarrass you honestly. She doesn't know how to tell her parents
He said this over a text!!!! I'm livid
He couldn't even have the decency to tell her it to her face. He is definitely hiding something. Jesus I'm in so much pain for my baby girl
He is not even picking up her calls!!!! He is saying "meeting, let's just chat please" meeting oshi wo niyen, by this time??
I'm telling her to let him be for now. She doesn't deserve this much heart break
I'm omw to her place, It's really late but she stopped replying our chats and her phone is switched off. God please let it not be what I'm thinking
I'm with her now. She's fine, she's safe❤️
I know I didn't have to put all these out here but as she was venting to me I had to vent somewhere else too. And frankly you all made it easier for me.
Besides, I want the world to know how this will finally unroll.
Trust no man.
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