Shaming campaign to "accept the loss" is psychological warfare.

They don't really believe what they are saying- mil op tactic to lay down foundation for compliance.

They are also saying it to distract from the real issue, which is not election outcome, but fraud, coup, treason.
2) They are flooding us with election outcome garbage, and we must go on offense, not defense.

They are engaged in an active coup, using media operatives and fraud.

THAT is the truth, and we will not waver.
3) When a shaming campaign is engaged, consider:

- the opinions of traitors mean nothing

- they don't even hold those opinions anyway, as they know the truth and are deliberately lying

- it's nothing personal, just a tactic to get what they want

- don't let it get to you
4) Reaction they want:

- Americans to get defensive and respond with "liberal tears for four years and you say this, you hypocrites", provide examples of how badly they behaved, smug that "the right" doesn't riot, cry, tantrum, etc... THAT IS WHAT THEY WANT, please don't do this
5) The reason why they want that reaction is because they want America to agree that there was an end to the election and Joe won. When people argue about the correct response, it helps with the psy-op that this is "politics as usual". They want us to compare apples to oranges,
6) which is a logical fallacy (which I talk about in my free critical thinking course, just sayin'). Anyway, we can't compare the reaction to the 2016 election with the response to a COUP. These are two very different things.
They are pushing for us to treat them the same, to
7) force the idea that this is a valid election, when of course it is not. The election ended on election night with POTUS quite easily elected. They stopped calling the states, then committed major fraud and launched the coup.
THAT is what happened, can't let them manipulate us
8) They will pull all of their tricks, but the good news is that they are stupid people who re-use the same plays. Anyone who studies these tactics can see them from a mile away. They have done nothing clever, and it's truly stunning how these imbeciles operate.

Hold the line.
9) Go on offense with full-on confidence, not defeat, submission, defensive stance.
Share their fraud over and over and over and over. Coup, coup, coup, coup. Congratulate POTUS on his win. Write him a letter. Flood the WH with mail.
Post happy things about your happy life.
10) They are especially triggered by unity and faith. Faith brings unity and strength of mind, so when they see us unite in faith, they are especially vexed. Through data mining, they measure our response. They want to see despair, defensive argument, division, infighting, and
11) most of all, submission. They don't like seeing the data rolling in that shows people aren't paralyzed by their psychological warfare, shaming campaigns, bizarre televised rituals, their freak degenerate rioters, the troll armies, or their deranged and malfunctioning celebs.
12) So, pour data that they don't want to see. Talk about Thanksgiving and how much you love your family and America. Talk about looking forward to Christmas. Talk about this guy...
13) Basically, do not comply.
Do the opposite of what they expect you to do. Now would be a great time for rallies, boat parades, etc. They think we are feeling defeated by their absurd fraud. Nope. This coup will end- one way or another- and POTUS will still be President.
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