I’ve been very reticent to level any charges of “fraud” in this election. First, because my preference would be that Biden won, fair and square. https://twitter.com/shylockh/status/1325120312455749634
Don’t misunderstand...he’s not my preferred candidate. But in terms of what’s best for the country right now? Suffice it to say...it’s not an electoral scandal. Such could literally plunge the country into civil war. I’m legit concerned about that.
The second reason I’m reticent to suggest fraud is because we ought not accuse someone of a crime without hard evidence. An accusation is just that...an accusation. Nothing more. That’s what I see with the amateur videos of polling precincts.
For example, curing a ballot happens with some regularity. A person clearly intends to vote for Candidate A, but doesn’t fill in the circle entirely and the ballot is rejected. It’s like not dotting an “i.”
Taking a video of that doesn’t demonstrate fraud and wouldn’t hold up in court. In court, you need hard evidence. I have no background in statistics. But the author of this thread does. It’s long, but well worth your time to read.
If this statistical analysis is correct, Trump isn’t just being a sore loser. He’s well within his rights to challenge this result in court. Now, that said...I go back to #1 above. Trump may well win that fight. He might be right and the truth may prevail.
But if that happens, may God have mercy on our country. What we say in Minneapolis and Kenosha will seek like a day at the beach. Regardless of whatever side you’re on, I agree with Biden. We have to come together and heal.
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