So we need to change our approach towards liberals.

Scolding them, I think, is not doing much good. We don't need to validate their ideas, but we do need to focus on specific things that they can relate to.

Ending their interest in bipartisanship is a start.
Don't scold them for wanting bipartisanship - point out that the other side isn't willing to engage. And to be fair, it really, genuinely ISN'T liberals' fault that bipartisanship won't work. Conservatives have no interest in it, and only engage in it when they're out of power.
Mitch McConnell will try to block everything that liberals want, let alone leftists, and it's really not going to be hard to get liberals to believe that - just bring up Merrick Garland. They're STILL angry about that, and to be fair, they fucking should be.
Point out that time and again, conservatives will not compromise with us when they have the power. They will not meet us halfway. So liberals should not dilute ideas that will make life better for people because conservatives want them to compromise, but won't themselves.
With some room to breathe, we can start making some headway.

Why do you think the right wing are trying so hard to blame Biden's near-loss on progressives? It's because they KNOW we have the capacity to do this. This IS achievable. A better world IS possible.
This meme was originally made by channer fash, but it's actually the truest thing they've ever said.

The tireless work of BLM brought subjects like police abolition into mainstream public discussion, which would've been unthinkable even a few years ago.
My friend Velle pointed out something important to me yesterday. During one of the presidential debates, when Trump brought up the Green New Deal, Biden went fairly deep on it in response. That means he knows what's in it. That means he's read it.
Yes, corporate Democrats are promising to oppose things like the Green New Deal and Medicare For All. But they wouldn't have to talk about them at all if they thought they were politically irrelevant. The fact that they have to take a position against them is in itself a victory.
Can you imagine the very idea of gay marriage being widely discussed in the 90s?

In 2010 we got it in Britain. In 2015, you got it in America.
Yes, 40% of the country is dead set against these things and maybe a good 30% of them aren't really convinced they're realistic.

But LGBTQ+ rights campaigners didn't give up during the Reagan and Thatcher years, even when so many of them DIED, or during the Bush and Blair years.
There are people who struggled and died in the 1980s FOR YOU. So you could marry your loved one. So you could visit them in hospital. So you could grow old together. Hell, so you could bang without getting prosecuted for it.

They didn't give up, even past their last breath.
Leftist policies are already popular even with diehard Republicans. Even with the least favourable, most unpleasant wording, a majority of Americans would prefer universal healthcare. Even with the worst framing possible, a majority of British people agree with trans rights.
Marijuana legalisation won in solid red states. OREGON DECRIMINALISED POSSESSION. Can you imagine the idea of a state decriminalising possession of all drugs, even four fucking years ago?

Almost every progressive House member has either won re-election or is projected to.
We're not going to get everything we want over the next four years. Do not imagine even for a second that will happen.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. That doesn't mean we shouldn't go all out to support real, structural change. Because we CAN do it.
I will quote a passage from noted philosophical work The Lego Movie 2:

Everything's not awesome
Things can't be awesome all the time
It's an unrealistic expectation
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try
To make everything awesome
In a less idealistic kind of way
Oh, and also: we "take the high road" and "go high when they go low" by pushing aside right-wing attempts at obstruction and making a better world for everyone, them included.

We don't have to "empathise," "forgive" or "compromise."
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