I feel like what people are really scared of is "my children won't be exactly like me." It's the fear behind censorship, behind autism scare-mongering, behind all these things.

Y'all. Your children were never going to be exactly like you. It's a uterus, not a cloning center.
Nothing "made me gay." I was bisexual before I had a word for it, and I cried with relief when I found out I wasn't alone, because kids want to be special, but they don't want to be aberrations.
And it's possible that "nothing made me gay" is wrong there, because I identify more as lesbian these days mostly due to straight cis men trying to push me into things, thinking they could turn me straight.
Congrats, my dudes. Your dick didn't straighten me out, it made me even more queer! Proud of you. Gold star fucking up your goals.
If your kid is autistic, they were born that way.
If your kid is queer, lying to them about it won't "cure" them.
If your kid is trans, forcing them to conform won't make them cis.
Trying to make your kids mirror you KILLS KIDS. It doesn't "fix" them.
We are not broken toys for you to repair. We are people. We are as genetics and our environment made us. So if the fear is that "oh kids will see things they don't understand and maybe they'll be different," so? That has literally ALWAYS happened. Human cloning doesn't happen.
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