A letter to MAGAs (that I know none will ever see). Yes, we do realize you were hurt, disappointed, and scared for your future yesterday just like we were 4 years ago. We recognize those feelings. what we aren’t going to do is coddle you. As a parent, I know that the more I give
In to your tantrums the worse they get. So you can sit with those feelings for a day or two. And then I want you to reflect. Because it’s not about you. You are not seeing street parties and celebrations because “we beat you.” They aren’t about Democrats beating Republicans
As much as they are us regaining some semblance of humanity. Every day for the past 4+ years (because it started before January 20, 2017) we’ve woken up to the explicit knowledge that the leader of our country HATES us, wishes us harm, and asks his followers to harm us.
November 5, 2016 was a sad day for us because we learned that almost half of the voting public believes that the other half (and most of the world) has no right to even exist. But I would say that, for myself and for many, that was probably the best day of this administration
As we watched every single day the “leader” of our country belittle a new group of Americans. Immigrants, women, brown-skinned people, people with disabilities, anyone who would dare vote Democrat, queer people, scientist, postal workers, members of the military, teachers.
But he didn’t just say mean things. He enacted policies that hurt countless Americans. Imprisoning people looking for a better life, separating families, exiting the Paris climate agreement, a lack of pandemic response or pandemic relief, reducing land and water protections,
And on and on. But it wasn’t only mean statements and harmful policy, but ALSO encouraging physical violence by any and all of his supporters against anyone who dares to not be them.
So when we celebrate this moment there are a lot of feelings. But one of the main ones is relief and hope. That MAYBE one day in the next few months we won’t wake up to the knowledge that our leader will explicitly call for our execution.
You can have your sad. But know this. Your existence and your way of life are probably under attack. But we (scientists, women, brown and black people, queers, city people, etc) are NOT the ones attacking you. We are in a big mess. The world is a mess.
But we’re all going to need to work together to get out of the mess we’ve made. We need your expertise and your experience. We need you with us. Bring your loves, your passions, and your excitement. But leave your hate and blame at home. We need you, but we will not
Tolerate your intolerance. If hate and blame are more important to you than working for a better future, stay home and fester. If you need me, I’ll be working to make the world a little bit better place.
You can follow @fishvecchio.
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