Thread of my PD headcanons because I am bored:
1. Due to Pink Diamond's resemblance to a jester, I would imagine her fighting style would involve a lot of jumping and acrobatics in general
2. I headcanon that a gem's powers are derived or even an extended version of their Diamond's power. Therefore I hc that Pink Diamond is so flexible (that is solely because of Spinel btw) to a point of being able to do this:
3. Pink has various sound related powers too. Like being able to echolocate by screaming in such high frequencies that no one can hear (with a controlled volume ofc), running at the speed of sound and being able to change her voice's pitch, volume and even add some autotune lol
4. Pink would be a skilled dual wielder. Two blades made from her force fields, and her abnormal speed would cause some serious damage to her opponents and surroundings. (Also bcuz she taught Pearl how to do it so I think she can do it too)
5. Pink would lower herself down when fighting someone smaller than her.
6. This one is funny because I imagine she would like breakdancing. I just think that Pink Diamond doing an Air Flare would be pretty awesome okay?
I'll add more later
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