We speak a lot about diversity in clinical psychology and why it matters. I’ve often talked about how I’m a majority applicant as so much of what makes me a minority is hidden. The other thing I have often joked about is how I am Queen at clearing psychology waiting lists! Yet up
Until recently I haven’t linked the two together. The people who haven’t engaged never meet me and whilst sometimes it’s down to objective reasons I’ve always considered it just one of those things. However, my personal tutor suggested I speak to my supervisor about it to see if
I was bringing vibes to the relationship or if I was imagining it or if something else was going on! I knew I wasn’t imagining it as I’d joked about it with supervisors and couldn’t really see the vibes as I will often try to meet people on severs occasions regardless of a dna
Plus when I meet people I have a low level of disengagement. However what I hadn’t considered was the two key parts of my identity that are available over the phone and these are my name and my accent. Sadly my name still predominantly gets linked to being ‘Prince Charles’s wife’
And my accent well it’s posh and southern or ‘recieved pronounciation’ to be precise! I often feel like I sound like a child but god knows if that is accurate. My supervisor commented that she had found that at times it could be hard to engage people as they were wary of
Professionals who may make assumptions about them or they may have no common ground with and pointed out that, maybe that was a barrier to people engaging as when I spoke or left a voicemail offering an appointment all people could go on was what they heard. Which isn’t present
When for example my supervisor makes the appointment or when they meet me in person (they have a lot more to go on). It did and does make a lot of sense. When I fed this back yesterday my personal tutor also commented that due to driving license issues I have had placements in
One area and thus it’s probably been more noticeable. So when we talk about representation mattering it’s vital that we consider it in all aspects of the work we do because I often joke with my clients in the first session that I’m not from around here as you can probably tell by
My accent!! This then leads on to banter about football teams etc. Yet it addresses it and it’s out there. However, despite this I hadn’t ever considered it as a barrier for people not engaging before they even meet me and I guess for me it really illustrates the importance of
All aspects of the relationship. So I’m going to have a think about how I might overcome this (suggestions welcomed?) and see if it helps me lose my title of being Queen of clearing the waiting list!!!
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