Whats Happened??? You already know! PHILZA 1MIL SUBSCRIBERS !! On 11/8/2020 Phil, better known as Ph1Lza or Philza hit one million subscribers on youtube! Long time coming, wanna know why? Thread time! https://twitter.com/Ph1LzA/status/1306682510944894978
Lets start modern, we all know the goliath of a twitter fandom that is #sleepytwt, Wilbur, Techno, Tommy, and of course; Phil. You wanna know what started it all? MCC 4, yes, purple pandas winning... but, what made SBI a thing? Here, I'll show you.
I am the fish, and the spoon is victory. Posted by 3/4 of the modern sleepy bois! Techno, Phil, and Wilbur of course! The original three. We wouldn't have the beautifully artistic mess of sleepytwt without this tweet right here. . . all because of Phil! Be thankful!
Now past that- we all know Phil as the hardcore guy. That's his thing! Going years without dying once in a world... baby zombie ring a bell? The tragic 5 year ending event? It may not seem like that hard of a thing to do in concept, just don't die right? WRONG!
You my dear friend, are severely underestimating how hard it is to survive a night in minecraft- let alone survive 5 years (and more!). Have you ever not died in MC? Maybe in a speedrun, but we all know how hard it is to traverse the nether without nearing a half a heart moment
or worse, going into caves and fearing not making it out alive... there's a certain type of skill to be able to survive without dying ONCE that long! I couldn't even word it!
What else what else... maybe we'll talk about his content consistency. Phil is truly one of the most consistent CCs I honest to god have ever seen in my life! The man has a streaming schedule, he manages to make hardcore minecraft survival
(with incredibly OP tools) entertaining! There's a certain energy at his streams, a light one that makes the happy chemical flow! Have you ever tuned into a stream? You really should!
Phil is one of the best modern content creators out there, and he may have just hit one million... but he deserved so much more! If you aren't subbed already, do press the button! You really wont regret it.

This has been a Philza appreciation post.

Mod Film, out! ~ 🎞️
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