Church people, *especially* clergy, bitching about use of this hymn by Biden in his speech (apparently his DEAD SON'S favourite) are nauseating me right now. I'm ashamed of all of you. This is why laypeople can't stand us. Stop being such disgusting snobs. I'm so pissed off.
It took me years to confront my own snobbery about music, years to realize how hurtful and mean it was to other people to be such an asshole about music. You are not helping "enforce standards," you ghastly fucking poseurs, you're just alienating your own people.
Here's something to think about: do you think your people are going to want to tell you what hymns they want at their funerals? Do you think they're going to feel good knowing you'll be rolling their eyes singing them at their funerals? You disgust me.
Like whatever the hell you like but for weeping Jesus's sake don't be a dick about it. What, do you think this is what Jesus wanted, us just walking around sneering at "On Eagle's Wings", the new president's dead son's favourite hymn? Get in the sea. WE DO NOT OWN MUSIC.
I'm saying this as someone who grew up in one of the musically snobbiest churches on the planet, someone who loathed all of the hymns that were trendy to loathe until I realized being that way didn't mean I was smart, it meant I was an elitist dickhead.
You know what my least favourite hymn on the planet is? "How Great Thou Art." I absolutely loathe it. To me the tune makes no sense at all - it sounds like two hymns smashed together. But other people are so deeply, deeply moved by it, and I LOVE THAT. So I keep shit to myself.
I can't believe I'm sitting here trying to explain to a bunch of friggen' adults the concept of "If you can't say something nice..." about THE NEW PRESIDENT QUOTING A HYMN HIS DEAD SON LOVED. It's not cute or spicy, it's awful and gross.
If you insist on being shitty, maybe keep that shit off Twitter where EVERYONE CAN SEE IT. /endrant
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