Naoya is an angrec [Angraecum] flower, symbolizing royalty =)
Maki is an anemone, representing sickness and undying passion (after Adonis was transformed into the flower by his lover Aphrodite)
Eriko is an aster, representing love, grace and trust
Yukino is a bluebell [Hyacinthoides non-scripta], representing loyalty, humility and gratitude
Ayase is a peony [Paeonia], representing both shame/anger and masculinity/bravery
Reiji is an asphodelus meaning "my regrets will follow you to your grave" =(
Masao is starflower [Borago officinalis], representing courage
Hidehiko is begonia, meaning "beware a fanciful nature"
and Kei is an almond flower, meaning a promise =)

maybe this thread was dumb..
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