I'm between Hinduism and Islam.

Reason why Islam is better:
Islam has rivers of wine in paradise, while Hinduism has rivers of poop.

Reason why Hinduism is better:
Krishna had thousands of wives and sex with all of them, Muhammad only had sex with 9 wives in one night.
I have decided to convert to Hinduism.

I'd rather have an impressive god with divine sexual strength than a caravan robber prophet with the pathetic sexual strength of 30 men.
Okay, I am no longer a Hindu. That was quick.

Apparently Hindus value chastity and think sex should be reserved for couples. Sorry. Christianity doesn't even have a sex paradise. Am I left with Islam and the busty virgins in heaven? I don't know. Religion is complicated.
Krishna had 16,108 wives, of which 8 were actual wives and 16,100 were "minor wives" whom he saved from captivity from a demon. They were disgraced for their captivity and union with evil. He honored them by marrying all of them. This is good stuff but not appealing to perverts.
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