Tomorrow We Gon Talk.

Yesterday the world celebrated as if we'd ended WW2. We danced, sang, cried, laughed. We screamed and howled, unclenched our jaws and unslumped our shoulders for the first time in four years.

Last night we slept. Today we'll brunch.
Tomorrow y'all are gonna consider just how close we came. Because Biden's win isn’t a spectacular victory:

It is a very narrowly avoided catastrophe.
Tomorrow we're going to talk about 70 million people who clearly want to go back in time to a point where their abhorrent behavior wasn't just tolerated, it was celebrated and embraced.

We'll talk about men in general, and white men in particular.
We're going to talk about "Christians."

We're gonna get familiar with the word "misogynoir." Because you're about to see the most vitriolic mix of racism and sexism this nation has ever vomited forth.

We're going to talk about not falling back into complacency,
Like Bob Marley said, "the people trying to make the world worse don't take days off."

Tomorrow we're going to talk about the inevitable backlash. Because we're not just looking to beat one, putrid, pathetic, failed autocrat.
We are trying to defeat the fertile compost heap that is a the soul of a 45* supporter.

Because right now, a competent autocrat is somewhere, with notes on the last four years, conspiring how to get it right next time.

Tomorrow we'll talk about #FourSeasonsLandscaping.
Tomorrow we'll talk about the nuance of holding Biden/Harris accountable while fending off the inevitable shitstorm of hypocrisy that will issue forth like a geyser from the far right.
Yes, we get to ask more from our leaders, and yes, we can do that without feeding into right wing narratives that separate and divide.

We'll talk about not letting your ideals get in the way of achieving your goals, without sacrificing your integrity.
We’ll talk about not repeating the mistakes of the Reconstruction. About how a segment of the population waves a flag from a war they lost 155 years ago, and how we will disabuse them of any notions of returning to former glory.

There is no "again" in making America great.
We'll start thinking not just in terms of the next four year but the next four generations.

This whole mortgaging the future nonsense has caught up with us; the future is now and if we don't address certain things RIGHT FUCKING NOW, there will be no future.
We'll talk about how some of us will need to move back for ALL OF US to move forward.

On the morning before battle, Spartan warriors would braid each other's hair. They'd polish their shields and relax; there was no need for stretching, calisthenics, or battle drills.
They'd spent their time in-between battles in preparation; the day of battle was just doing the ordinary under extraordinary circumstances.

Today enjoy mimosas and eggs Benedict.

Tomorrow we're gonna talk about the tools and education we'll need to keep what we've fought for.
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