I’ve never shared this before. A story thread about what I witnessed The Morning After The Election in 2016, in the Hotlanta airport, on my way to Lima, Peru. Nov 9th.
Like most of you, that morning was horrid. I woke up with a soul hangover, no booze, just broken inside. I knew what was coming (don’t @ me I’ve studied regime change in Antiquity+ I’ve worked in authoritarian countries). I had to board a flight that afternoon to Lima.
Got there and had time to eat Sushi and drown my sorrows in good wine at One Flew South (best restaurant in the airport). And then I heard the cackle. And smelled the cheapest nastiest trash perfume in memory. And there she was.
Two tables away, sat a woman- late 40’s, nasty bottle blond 80s sketchy roller skating area floomphed out hair, too much makeup. Way too much cubic zirconium accessories. Loudly proclaiming “I’m heading to DC to clean up this country.”
Two chaps next to me- who looked horrified- engaged with her. They were as curious as I. She explained in great detail that she was part of the movement that won him the election, that they had been planning this for years, and she would be playing a big role in the transition.
As trashy and gross as she looked, she wasn’t lying. I’ve spent a bunch of time in DC. You know the type. Bootlicker of the patriarchy, but official-like. It was clear she was a major organizer for the T*ump campaign. I leaned in to listen, fascinated and horrified.
Lady was delighted to have an audience. She spoke at length about how they knew they had tremendous power now, and just watch them use it to knock some sense back into America. She spoke openly about her racism, her bigotry, her hate of foreigners. It was *chilling*
All my fears from the night before had coalesced into this Satanic apparition. It. Was. Happening. Before. My. Eyes.
Slight aside: of course there had been 400 years of systemic racism/ genocide/ sexism, these people were part of a long tradition, it didn’t happen overnight, it is part of our story. Just wanted to make that clear.
She made it clear that they would be acting quickly and decisively. That we would see him act on all his promises. That this country would change in ways we could only dream of. That there was a clear roadmap and goals.
What I remember more than anything else was how she crackled with pure evil. The delight in her eyes when she spoke about the pain to come. She radiated a calm executioners purpose that showed me the precision with which it all would happen.
I did not get her name. She looked a lot like Kellyanne Conway but not quite her. I wish I’d asked. Everyone in the restaurant was quiet and listening.
I’m thinking of her today, and how she can go back to the abyss from which she slithered.
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