i wish i was kidding u guys the 17s have me under some kind of lifebinding enchantment like every single one of them but in significantly different ways all i can say is that joshua has the friendliest curse on me i feel safe in this curse
vernon makes me feel like a toxic animal i swear i'm some kidn of poisonous snake when i see that man if u touch me u might jsut deteriorate from the overwhelming heaps and waves of my gamma rays i hate what he does to me so much but i cna't help it
mingyu is such an aching tale i don't want to get into because i don't know how to get into like where do i begin. seeing him is the emotional equivalent to swallowing a really dry piece of chicken &feeling it go down every painful millisecond where u think death is approaching
i hope u understood even a fraction of what i feel when i perceive that man, in any way, by reading that. now imagine this times a million . and then throw that emotion in a blender, but that blender is in flames, and it is somehow still working &not melting or short circuiting
and it is also strapped to the top of a helicopter that is crashing at an alarming velocity. but ad infinitum. that feeling before something horrible happens where u can see the conclusive damage but it hasn't come yet and ure just waiting helpless ? that's whati feel
but also this man is really hot. it hurts to thin kabout i have amigraine thinking about how hot he is i choose not to think about it. but i acan't not think about it because it's the kind of thing u can't really put to the back of ur mind like oh haha yeah he happens 2 b sexy
he is so glaringly obviously obnoxiously sexy that it leaks through every single thing he does and every thought anyone has about him. oh his voice is wonderful he's sexy. oh look at him picking up a fork he's sexy. oh mingyu's cuddling a dog he's sexy too. do u understand
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