This is one of the few times today I really want to spend any energy on this:

AOC/the far left aren't the base of the party. Rank and file Black people are. Period.

The idea that Democrats think BLM is the enemy is some made up bullshit.

Sorry but Always On Camera is tiresome.
It's the black church deaconesses and deacons, the community organizers who work and aren't trolling for social media likes and influencer status.... they're the base of this party. They're the reason everyone is dancing in the streets now.
AOC, Bernie, Omar and the rest are useful to the beltway media because they can be relied on to shiv Democrats and push their "Dems in disarray" bullshit. The game is so transparent.
It's black people in Atlanta, Detroit and Philadelphia. Natives and yes Latinos in New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona. They're the ones who saved this country not a bunch of loudmouth lefties in safe blue districts. Sorry of you don't like that but it's true.
You can make the argument that Dems need to adjust their messaging but even that's not going to go the way you think because the Dems that can win in a suburban TX district isn't going to o sound like a leftist in deep blue NY. Sorry but those are just facts.
And this was the argument we had....10 years ago. Democrats had a majority in the House and the Senate but progressives decided that they hated Blue Dog Democrats and made sure those seats were lost to Republicans. And now the far left is gearing up for more of the same. Nope.
This cannot happen. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are walking into a mess and the work to clean it up is going to be hard. We do not need grandstanding influencers from the left fucking things up for clout. This cannot happen. We can't let these assholes shiv Dems again.
I'm not interested in fake unity with far leftists who will never be about the work of making this a better place. Call them out and then kick them to the curb and if they go running to the Green Party or whatever then so be it but the fake and the phony have got to go.
And that's all I got to say about that. Seriously. Now I'm going back to dunking on MAGAs and prepping to watch the Steelers dogwalk the Cowboys later today.
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