Its time for "Túrin's True Stories." Life in Boomer America. My Boomer Dad moved to a different state when I was about 8 years old. This is called "Phoning In Fatherhood." My Christian Mother refused to get a divorce. Part 1
My Dad would continually hire out construction to be done to the house. "Keeping up with the Joneses." There was always a new project going on. Meanwhile Túrin was forced to mow the lawn. EVERYDAY. OCD Lawn management is very Boomer. Part 2
When my Dad would stop by, usually around the Holidays. It was non-stop complaining about the lawn or the appearance of the house. Our production of garbage would more than Triple as ALL of the money was spent on Consuming Consuming Consuming... #NoSavings Part 3.
My Dad made about 5x more money than I do yet instead of saving he maxed out credit cards to live a lavish life of luxury. Of course in the 2008 crash that was hard, but rather than live a more modest lifestyle my Mom had to take a Job instead. #BoomerLogic Part 4. in the end my Parents could have retired many years ago and lived very well in a small home with no worries. Instead they are aging and in poor health. They borrowed from the future to pay for the present just to be good Consumers. Excess for its own sake. THE END.
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