Joe Biden told us he has our back. What does that mean? These people never laid our specific policy; they never told us in plain English what our vote would get us in exchange. We are going to have zero wealth in the country we built. Zero wealth!!! Capitalism eats the poor
We are being swallowed up in prisons, low wage jobs, environmental hazards, uninterrupted state violence the list is going on and on. The continued gratuitous violence against the black body will not abate, it will not cease until we are all crushed beneath da weight of an empire
Scraping by on its last legs. This is it baby! This is it! We are the last generation of the African American people in the United States. The Tribe of the Middle Passage and the Coffle. Biden en slaved 800k black men; and what did we do? We let record companies corrupt our
Culture! We allowed them to sell us gangster and moguls. They made us dysfunctional and blamed us for it. They invaded our communities like would any foreign power they deem a threat. They destroyed us generation after generation; only elevating the people who would confuse us.
Black liberation isn’t a commodity. Kamala in her tacky cream suit, strolling the Mary J Blige doesn’t change the fact that my people been here since in Yonkers since the 1920’s and I can’t afford to live in the city of my birth. My zip code is one where the prison industrial
Complex funnels black men Upstate in chains. But this isn’t new for New York State, it was a slave state even before the English invaded and stole the land. I’m just tired of it this charade. Kamala got to skip right over slavery and Jim Crow on this land, straight to the
Presidency. America elevates who it wants too. The caste system in India is still in operation today. Black america has more in common with the Dalit and the Siddi of India than we do with Brahmin born Kamala Cop Harris. But we gone boogie cause she “looks like me”. A country
Full of narcissist. You don’t want to look like your oppressors baby. You want to at least be able to see the chains that bind you.
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