Time to share these words from a post following the mid-term election 2 years ago. That person and I continue to talk and I can say neither of us have disengaged from those that may make us despair. 1/🧵
Earlier today an old friend, exasperated that people they grew up with held very different positions on current events, reached out to me. 2/14
I too have felt the strain of seeing people I care for post memes that shock me, or even worse, attack something or someone that I can truly relate to on various levels. 3/14
I see many folks speak about self-care, disengaging, or unfriending, but I worry about the resulting conditions all of us eventually find ourselves in should we resort to such measures. 4/14
This is my response, slightly edited, and I hope that it will evoke in others the desire to understand someone else and to not sever ties based solely on responses to current events. 5/14
We are the people we are today because of various shared experiences and we cannot forget where we come from lest we abandon where we could hope to get to. 6/14
-- My Response --
We should talk about this some time. A big issue is the keyboard removing the feedback we get from someone when we talk on the phone or in person. 7/14
Engaging with folks in such a polarized situation is extremely difficult in person and exponentially more so via social media, but it will ultimately be the only way to come to a common understanding. 8/14
Disengaging leaves them in an echo chamber and we too are left in an echo chamber. That echo chamber builds fear, and eventually hate, for the other. We need to keep those walls from being built so that we all stay whole and connected to our greater society. 9/14
It’s okay to take a break from time to time for that self care, but to enter our own echo chamber begets the same problems that they will face. We will begin to be fearful and hate those we see as "the other". Hate is merely fear intensified. 10/14
*So take a break if you need, but know that peacemakers must enter into war zones at times to achieve their aims.*

I hope that helps and we should get together soon. Do you have any time this weekend even to grab a coffee or tea? 11/14
Those last few sentences are the most important. Those who would strive for peace must wade into conflict. 12/14
But truly surpassing all of that, we must connect in person or at least over the phone, because too much of how we communicate as human beings is lost when we cannot see or hear how what we say effects who we are saying it to. 13/14
Peace to my friends. Peace to my enemies. Most of all, peace in my heart, in my thoughts, in my speech, and in my actions. 14/14
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