🧵 about confession, possession & Catholic spiritual warfare.

You need to go to confession.

I don’t mean this lightly, or simply as a reminder, bc we are in a spiritual battle against the demons who have near total control of a certain grp of ppl, some on the not 🤚are 1/
clearly possessed. That should concern you if you struggle w/any habitual mortal sins or don’t go to confession regularly. You need to be in a state of grace. You need to go to confession.
Once you have gone to confession, the devil can do nothing abt sins you’ve confessed. He 2/
has no chink in the armour of God to get thru.
I mention this bc last night I was watching Hostage of the Devil abt Malachi Martin, suggested by Knight of Christendom on a livestream @pontificatormax & @PatrickTrad had. (It’s excellent, def watch it) The docu reminded me of 3/
someone I was close to who turned out to be possessed. If you think our enemies w/the letter after C hate you, imagine that & then multiply by 1mill.
The possessed guy knew every unconfessed mortal sin a person had by looking @ them. Last time I saw him I’d just been to 5/
confession & was reading Psalms when he showed up. He looked at me as he 1st came in, then got close & looked harder like he couldn’t see. Then he got angry. “What did you do? What did you fucking do?” He was growling. Other times I met him he just looked & knew what I was up 6/
to. Not just sins, everything I did. This time he had no clue like he was blinded. He was more enraged he didn’t know than that I was reading Psalms (tho that also infuriated him.)
I say this bc in the dark days coming you need to go confess constantly. Not just monthly, not 7/
just when you have mortal sins, if you want to progress in holiness while we still have these aids, go to confession, wkly if you can.
Blind the enemy, blind the leaders of the errors of Russia to your actions.
If you were a soldier offered conditional invisibility in battle 8/
would you take it? Of course you would. That’s part of the offer w/confession. Go.
W/things the way they are now, I think confession is even more important than frequent communion. Go plz. If you have habits of mortal sin, break those while you have confession to do so. If 9/
you have to go daily, do it. Hide in the Holy Wounds where the demons/demoniacs can’t see your actions. (They’ll know some but not absolutely all) Be spiritually prepared for what’s next. A lot of us weren’t prepped for lockdown the 1st time. Don’t make that mistake again END
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