Thinking about yesterday and how excited we were about simple words. I know I was excited because so many of the policies of the last 4 (or 40 or 400) years have been so detrimental to so many hear words that reflect the possibility that things might change was amazing
We cannot go “back to normal.” Whatever normal is or was didn’t work for way too many folks. We need to move forward in a way that leaves no one behind. NO ONE.
We still have to deal with COVID-19, existential threat to the ACA, disabled people trapped in institutions — and all three of those things are inextricably intertwined.
We have to face the legacy of systemic racism that keeps our Black and brown loved ones locked up in jails, prisons, and forensic psychiatric facilities for far longer periods of time.
I cannot wait to push the next administration to do better by all of us, not just a privileged few.
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