seokjin and jungkook kisses: a little but very necessary and devastating thread
when seokjin wanted a hug but instead jungkook kissed his cheek on stage... and seokjin little giggles at the end
tbh, i still have so many questions about this one
jungkook giving not one but two little kisses to seokjin on a vlive
i think we can all agree this flying kiss is the most iconic one
there is also a neck kiss on the car, but since it was recorded without their consentment i won't add a clip of it
jungkook kissing seokjin's leg
little kith on the neck
jungkook kissing seokjin's ear
jamais vu line hug and jungkook kissing seokjin's head
i can't forget to add this almost kiss
little kith during the isac
bonus: the most iconic selca ever, not a kiss, but still need to be here
ok, that was all, and i must to end this thread with my favorite moment ever
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