i7 playing Among Us
1: not bad, but never kill Mitsuki when imposter and always defend him
2: super good but is always voted off early on bc too suspicious even when innocent
3: always complete all of his tasks first. can always orient the talk into the direction he wants
4: hate the game WHY IS EVERYONE LYING!!! when imposter everyone sees it immediately but terrible at explaining stuff when he's not either so sometimes others are just ??
5: the best at this game. can kill everyone and prove he didn't all the time
6: second best with Sougo,
he's exceptionally good at coming up with plans not to get caught
7: can see the ghosts of dead crewmates and talk with them so has an unfair advantage.
8: terribly bad, usually get killed first or caught immediately
9: extremely good at the game, but never kill Riku and
Gaku always suspect him at every game - also always try kill Gaku when imposter or accuse him
10: never kill anyone when imposter, only sabotage. defend everyone especially trigger during votes
11: actually a good imposter but always defend Yuki even when he knows he's imposter
12: usually only follows Momo around or stay in the same room. never do his tasks. terribly good at lying though
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