I truly am saying this with the utmost love; if you put Joe or Kamala on my TL past Tuesday Iā€™m blocking you till 2021. Itā€™s nothing against you, I truly just think this shit is crazy and for my own mental health, I canā€™t, I really canā€™t (ā¬‡ļø)
People are really celebrating Biden and Kamala... like people talking about ā€œthereā€™s hopeā€ thatā€™s when I log out. Iā€™m looking on one end members of marginalized communities saying this has actually set us back, and other people literally celebrating. Yea itā€™s weird... (ā¬‡ļø)
And I get it 2020 has been difficult, people have a right to be happy for at least one day, I guess... but yea Iā€™m blocking after Tuesday, I respect certain people too much to start looking at them sideways (ā¬‡ļø)
Today was a win for the privileged, not the dreamers who have been waiting for their papers since Obama was in office, it wasnā€™t for the unhoused, it wasnā€™t for Trans Women, Sex workers, Southern States with one abortion clinic, or natives still fighting for THEIR land (ā¬‡ļø)
Sorry the truth hurts, Iā€™m sorry youā€™re confused and mad @ the rest us for refusing to celebrate, and therefore ā€œinfringingā€ on your celebration. But we are the ones who see this world for what it is, and are tired of playing along for crumbs from a system that wants us dead (ā¬‡ļø)
Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not celebrating someone who will continue to send our trash to be processed abroad, continue to sell arms to facist nations, will continue buy oil from murders, supports fracking, and talks about looters when asked about protests. (ā¬‡ļø)
We could have dismantled this system in 2020. We really could have, but people are not there yet. Itā€™s cool, just make sure you get on the ark before the flood comes. (ā¬‡ļø)
I leave you with this. WE create change NOT THE SYSTEM. We feed our people, medicate our people, protect and house our people. We need to create our own community programs. Be willing to sacrifice our comforts, this life and the dream of the lives we thought we would have (ā¬‡ļø)
Build hospitals with our money and staff it with our doctors; our own schools; own protection. We need to and can sustain a system outside of this system, thatā€™s how we kill it, by no longer feeding into it. The ark is being built, if you wanna be left in the sauce, ok (ā¬‡ļø)
Just know there is a true revolution coming, be prepared. When shit hits the fan, Iā€™m not gonna be one of those healers who easily extends empathy, I will remember these moments. Please please, weā€™re not crazy, you donā€™t need to read revolutionary texts to understand the truth ā¬‡ļø
Educate yourself about whatā€™s going on. There is truth in what people are saying. Ask the questions that need to be asked, and donā€™t just accept things as truth. Seek to understand the truth of this realm, and youā€™ll truly understand what weā€™re truly fighting for and against
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