I completely understand this. I am a Black woman in America. I live in a city where the police murdered a Black woman in her home. I understand racism. But this constant fucking MAGA bullshit was nerve-racking. To not deal with a racist President everyday is magical!!! https://twitter.com/heresyourreplay/status/1325291241664356352
I am overjoyed their dear leader has fallen! Fuck them for the hell they have put Black people through, Muslim people through, LGBTQ people through, women through, disabled people through. FUCK YOU!
I would be a fool to think we are all going to sing songs over a camp fire but my goodness it’s a good start to kick a racist out office! And that’s what I am celebrating. I WILL NOT show grace to one MAGA cult member that wouldn’t spit on me if I was on fire.
Fuck EACH AND EVERYONE of y’all for the hell you have put this nation through. For the lives that were lost because you wanna cry about wearing a mask. FUCK YOU!
& finally, saving my best FUCK YOU for last, to the 55% of White women that voted to uphold racism. You will NEVER be intersectional with me. YOU KNEW AND THE BLOOD that drips from this nation is on your Starbucks holding wrinkled melanin deprived liver spotted hands. Fuck you!
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