(Read whole thread): My deepest concerns with a Biden presidency have nothing to do with taxes or the economy or environment or whatever, even though I have my disagreements there.

My concerns are 1) taxpayer funded abortion, 2) the Equality Act, 3) religious freedom.
1) You will never catch me supporting taxpayer funded abortion. I already have issues with government subsidies of PP because I think we effectively *do* fund abortion in all senses.

Regardless, I have moral issues with this.
2) Equality Act. I'm from Massachusetts and have seen laws like this shut down Catholic charities and adoption centers because they would not allow same sex couples to adopt. I'm also concerned with govt forcing parents to have their child transition. Above 18, I don't care.
2 cont.) But below 18, I do for many scientific as well as moral reasons. I do not think that parents should be compelled to choose between custody of their child and having their child transition. I just don't.
My opposition to a Biden presidency is entirely personal. I take my pro-life views and religious freedom very seriously. I am willing to sacrifice on a lot of views, but not those.

But there's another element to this.
Outside of when I have said stupid stuff (that's def happened), I have experienced threats of violence, stalking, and many other unpalatable things for my views on abortion and religious freedom.

I don't think most liberals are like or even most progressives, but some are.
I think a Biden-Harris presidency emboldens this sector.

For all the "oh it was just Trump, being a conservative is fine" that has been said, I have seen a lot more calls to deplatform and unfriend conservatives. And I have experienced a lot more than that.
Look, if Biden wins (after recounts and such) and the integrity of the election pans out, I won't riot (lol obviously) or develop BDS or unfriend my liberal friends or try to deplatform them.

But I do take this election seriously.
In a lot of ways, Biden-Harris and a more progressive agenda in Harris especially is an attack on my values, morality, and dearest held beliefs directly and I'm not thrilled about that.

I'm just not. Like many of you might not have been thrilled about Trump.
I see leftism (not liberalism) as diametrically and philosophically opposed to my beliefs, values, and to the Constitution. Biden isn't a leftist, but Harris is.

And I see this election as emboldening that sector.
I support unity. But I don't think unity is always possible with those who wish to destroy all the values you have.

Calls to unity are important. But the calls can't be empty and have to be conditional upon our agreement of certain values and moral principles.
If you want to convince that Biden-Harris is fantastic, I would prefer you try to do it in the DMs. I will pray for my leaders, I will obey the law as prophets and apostles have instructed me to do, but I will also continue to stand up for what is right.
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