What I learnt today its a thread kindly share :
When Zimbos cry out that this country is dead the economy is dead we hear those of the privilledged saying we whinnin too much hee what what esp ana ms red fast forward today Boss gee vaita accident wee hours around 5 am ....
and from the time it happened to the time pipo started flocking streets maybe 2-3 hrs afta the accident no FIRE BRIGADE WAS IN SIGHT ,,, NO AMBULANCE was in sight too and the Rolls Royce burnt to the point yekuona mawaya and alledgedly vamwe vanz vatsvira mumota ....
i could have shared the pic but then its inappropriate munhu was burnt to death now tell me when it happened of coz ambulance yafonerwa nema passers by remember kumaraini emhene ka uku but nothing , police papasina , fire brigade apana then umwe oita maguts ekutiiudza kut ....
nyika itori bho zvese zviri bho well when the poor cry out about issues dzema nurses madoctors , ma ticha and other socials ills the RICH dnt even relate because they are comfortable now see lives cud have been saved if the country was a real country and maybe not vese ....
maybe not vese but some remember mune vatotsvira mumota who noes pamwe vavari vapenyu but drunk or maybe jammed nemasimbi and cud not move it means vatosvika pakufa pasina kana help nemari yaina ginimbi the guy died se nhunzi paraded vanhu vachitora ma pics and vids ....
zvinhu zvekut if thw country was functional dai body yabviswa kare and noe one would have had ma pics iwawo but then zuva rasvika pakubuda mota ichingobvira , ma dead bodies lying around then vamwe venyu esp ve ZPF moti nyika yakanaka wen the basic is a mamoth task?....
i pray this be a remainder to all the rich and influencers when u see us doing the #ZimbabweanLivesMatter its not for us tega but u too u benefit if the system changes but then u will understand musi wamunoda help kuzvipatara and then realise kut akuna ma doctor nema nurse 😭😭
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