reminder that biden wanted to run in 2016 and would have easily become the nominee and have beaten trump, but obama told him not to and cleared the way for hillary, thereby giving you a trump presidency. thanks, obama
love bernie, but let's be honest, a lot of his '16 showing was due to anti-hillary resentment which simply wouldn't have been there w/ biden. he'd have lost by a bigger margin given his lack of name recognition. also biden hadn't gone senile yet, so he'd have smoked trump w/ ease
so fuck all this deranged russiagate, jill stein, susan sarandon shit. you can thank obama and hillary for the last 4 years
biden's line that he didn't run bc his son died in early 2015 is PR of the "I'm taking time out to spend with my family" variety to explain why he didn't challenge hillary as everyone was expecting him to. he didn't because obama told him not to. they cleared the way for hillary
a positive consequence of that was that it became a two-way race between a self-described socialist and her, and they only managed to beat him with a combination of ratfuckery, bernie being too nice, and his lack of name recognition w/ not enough time to remedy that
they made a critical error by clearing the way for hillary in '16, bc they not only put up the only candidate who could lose to trump, they also created the conditions for a bernie 2020 nomination. unfortunately a combination of ratfuckery and manufactured consent prevented that
don't let stuff like this be memory-holed
and of course after obama cleared the way for hillary in 2016, he then cleared the way for biden in 2020, so once again I have to remind you:
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