Have you played this game
When it would be raining outside and you played inside during school, what would you usually do?
Do you remember having to play the flute during school because it was mandatory
During winter time, would you need special clothing to be able to play in the snow?
Have you used one of these?
Apparently having a paper shape cutter made you cool, true or not?
Favorite cereal to eat as a kid?
Favorite candy to get as a kid?
Do you remember randomly sucking on ur skin to get a purple/red mark, not knowing it was a hickey and ur parents would as you what that is/who gave it to you?
Did you have line leaders? And if you did, would you want to be so bad a line leader?
Did your school do these?
Thoughts on these?
I didn't have this in my school but did you have this?
Randomly putting glue on hand? done or haven't done?
Have u used any of these in school?
Played any of these?
When a tooth left out, did the nurse put them in these?
When you weren't able to get those fancy cases, would you get these?
Do you remember having one of these?
did you own any of these?
My school didn't have one of these but did it's did?
What was your favorite childhood game to play outside?
Freeze tag, cops and robbers, normal tag, marco, etc?
When it was a kid birthday, would they bring food that day for everyone?
Owned any of these shoes?
I'm trying to think of more 😐
Can you name all of these bears?
Did you own one of these?
Did you love book fair day?
Have you ever drawn this?
Ever had one of these?
Did your school had a weird lunch system? Like a color meant a certain food?
Using these to practice the time?
Have you ever had one of these?
Owned any of these?
Played with these?
Do you remember the name of this fish?
Did you own one of these secret journals?
Remember these?
Do you remember a pe game called Knockout?
Stabbing yourself for some reason with a pencil? Done that or no?
These chairs where hell- no one can change my mind
Did you always draw the sun on a side?
Stabbing the heck out of ur perfect innocent eraser?
Ever done a marker sword?
Using the numbers in ur calculator to write things
Using these things before smart boards became a thing?
Ever gotten kicked in the face with these?
Ever sold these?
Remember the monthly calendar u would bring home?
Having cursive letters in the wall ?
These weird bathroom sinks?
This thing basically ruined your pencil
Having ur own special valentines day box and the only day to confess to ur crush?
Creating ur own spinner with a pencil and ruler, done it or haven't?
These pizza tasted terrible đŸ€ą
Remember when the school would randomly have an eye check? Did urs do that?
Remember these shows?
Do you know these people and their names?
These would smell terrible but did ur school used these for pe?
When did you learn how to ride a bike? Or do you still don't know how to? Is okay if you don't wanna say
Hated doing math with your family, bcuz they would be too harsh
Had one of these stencils?
During lunch, would the school only have sporks?
These where amazing and you where automatically cool in my scool do you did
Using one of these so your art wouldn't be ruined
Did ur burgers look something like this?
If you rode the bus, did you love putting ur head on the window and how it felt?
Did ur school jump ropes look something similar like this?
The multiplication and adding one where the easiest and subtract/division where hell.
Also would you go left from right or up and down doing these?
Would you cheat and start earlier also?
These plastic things? Ever used them?
Thoughts on these?
Tw // puke
Remember when kids would just randomly puke and hated it
I couldn't find a picture, but when it was test day, would you use folders to hide ur answers from anyone else?
Ever played this game and miss it?
Randomly do this as a child?
Put a different drink in a bottle cap and made a shot with it?
Ever pretended to fake smoke with the cold air?
Having to do this before everyone can leave?
What did you call these?
Did your school ever play quiet ball?
I don't know what that is but this lovely user explained it to me
Adding this picture back because everyone keeps calling me out-
It's been years since I've played it and forgot the name- let me be 😭😔
[ end of thread ]
Y'all could add things I missed and I'll probably add them in tmr 🙂
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