tw // rape mention

mmmm i feel like i’ve been on the wrong side of this before but i just want to say i don’t and never have condoned rapefic and i get that you’re allowed to create the content that you want and no one deserves death threats,
but at the same time if you’re going to create controversial works you can’t just not expect backlash. it’s not like you’re documenting a real life event. you’re purposefully creating triggering fiction. with likenesses to REAL PEOPLE. maybe i’m just not understanding?
it just doesn’t sit right with me.
no one deserves death threats period. i’m not budging on that. anyone who sends death threats is not the kind of person i would ever associate with.
fuck i don’t know. maybe i’m wrong. maybe i don’t know what i’m talking about. something about this is just not sitting right with me.
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