Not election-related: Republicans are frightened little babies. They constantly fret over hypotheticals that are unlikely to happen, but they themselves create scenarios where they're more likely to happen. Takes COVID response, including unemployment benefits:
They rail against shut-downs because "people will be unemployed and businesses will die!" But they never even consider if you just fucking paid people to stay home then the people AND the businesses will be fine. Like, schools and businesses with COVID outbreaks? Gone.
Finance the solution. They just can't wrap their heads around it at all. They don't want to give people unemployment benefits because it'll "incentivize them not to work" but they can't even fathom that people can make more on unemployment because businesses don't pay them well!
They're scared that someone's going to break into their house and pillage their shit so they have to amass firepower that isn't even appropriate for home defense and never even consider that the protection they're giving to their precious guns also arms criminals.
I'm realizing this thread isn't even all that related and I kind of lost my thesis somewhere, but just watch Republicans. Watch what they say, and then watch what they do. They're just scared of everything. They live their entire lives trembling in fear...of nothing. It's sad.
Don't be a Republican. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.
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