Thread: In case y'all are wondering who at the DOJ is in charge of election law matters at the @TheJusticeDept -- there are two places to look. First, the Civil Rights Division of DOJ, which is headed by Eric Dreiband, Don McGahn (former WH Counsel) law partner. DOJ says it sent/
3/ Whatever it was, they aren't doing anything about it 🤷‍♀️and the @realDonaldTrump campaign is filing suits in several states to ensure that all & only legal ballots are counted. There is another deparatment of DOJ where election problems are addressed -- criminal division ...
6/ Pilger, when subpoenaed to Capitol Hill by House Oversight, Darrell Issa in 2014, refused to answer over three dozen questions under oath on the advice of DOJ attorneys. And despite this history, Pilger is STILL in charge of the same department at DOJ/
8/ The government is full of survivors like this -- they burrow in, lurk, and like submarines they surface to survey, then dive & fire torpedos. And you never know what hit you. DOJ civil rights & election integrity have been MIA in this election ... it didn't have to be so.
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