Kamala takes the stage with MJB as her soundtrack in a WHITE PANTSUIT!!!
Hillary, you still have my gratitude.
NOTE: VP's do not traditionally take the stage for victory speeches WITH the president.

Biden did not speak.
"You chose hope, decency, science, and yes TRUTH" - Vice President Elect Kamal Harris
Kamala's about to cry talking about her mom.
We have SO MUCH TO DO but lawd we made it to step 1.
Kamala celebrating BW as the backbone of democracy.
A constant refrain of "no matter who you voted for." Reminding folks that the president doesn't just govern those who voted for them, after Trump spent four years openly declaring the opposite.
I'm crying. I feel like I was kidnapped, trapped in a basement for four years, and just finally reunited with my family.

I don't ever want to be that close to a dictatorship again.
He's shouting out his wife, his kids, his grandkids, american educators.... I mean... remember when this WASN'T SHOCKING?
I didn't realize how traumatized we all really are until Biden's speech last night.
https://twitter.com/ashleyrtrawick/status/1325252806736044032?s=21 https://twitter.com/ashleyrtrawick/status/1325252806736044032
"The African American community stood up again for me. You all had my back; I'll have yours."
I won't lie; I didn't cry this hard during Obama's victory speech. I never thought he wouldn't win. But I was genuinely scared of another Trump term. Terrified. I was worried we'd wouldn't see coherence and thoughtfulness on the Presidential stage again for who knows how long
"America has always been shaped by inflection points, when we decide who we are... We stand at an inflection point."

We have an uphill press ahead; COVID, undoing Trump's mess, plus executing on long-standing promises. But again, step one. We made it to step one.
The two families UNITED on stage and not looking stiff and fake. I missed even that.
I will never take our sense of what's "normal" for granted again. Between four years of Trump and COVID I'm acutely aware of "first world" privledge and our sense of American exceptionalism in a way I only was theoretically before.
I think there are an unlimited number of these types of details we're going to say "Oh my God I missed that" about over the next year.
https://twitter.com/heathernh97/status/1325257708010868737?s=21 https://twitter.com/heathernh97/status/1325257708010868737
That speech needed to be a CLEAR acknowledgement of a hard reset, and it was.
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