1) There are some folks that expect me and others to be "Smarter" with the mask issue. Smarter, meaning that I and others should promote the prevailing narrative to ensure our businesses stay open. Play the game to avoid the next step of lockdowns. Yes, the politicians and media
2) will try to blame the freedom movements for the increase in cases, that is true. But I'm sorry, I will not "play their game". My only game is truth and integrity. This game has not only corrupted our politicians and media, it has corrupted our society.
3) We have to stop playing games, stop accepting games, and start demanding the truth. If the truth is too hard for society to discern, than we need open and public debate, with the involvement of everyone who has something valuable to say,
4) without fear of discipline and repercussions, especially now in this time of great division and societal upheaval.
Masks do not stop the spread of viruses. In fact, the false sense of security they are providing is most likely encouraging the spread of airborne viruses.
5) Which could very well help explain the higher numbers of cases. That, and of course the much higher number of people getting tested for a virus that has no symptoms. Seriously people, you're getting tested without having symptoms. When have you have done that before? Never.
6) Using a PCR test that is not meant to test for this virus, as per the guy who developed the test. The tests are over amplified in order to find coronavirus. Which is the same family as the regular flu.
7) Most people who have had the regular flu will have coronavirus in their body, giving a bogus positive test. Btw, where is the seasonal flu? It has all but disappeared. Miraculously been eliminated. S
8) peaking of seasonal, remember when they told us to continue to be afraid back in the summer by saying covid19 was not seasonal, yet now, when we normally see the seasonal flu numbers go up, nothing, but we see covid numbers go up?
9) All for a virus that has 99.6% recovery rate for anyone under 70 years old.
It's way past time for an open and public debate on this whole mess. We are destroying livelihoods. We are destroying lives.
10) All so the globalists and global elite can achieve their goals of sustainable development and the Great Reset. Not one sitting MP, MLA, MPP,PM, Premier, City Councilor, or Mayor has the balls to bring any of this to light.
11)To actually lead, and lead from the front, except for Randy Hillier.
The only way to ever get the truth over lies, reality over perception, and ultimately freedom over tyranny, is for the masses to force it to happen. We must all inspire others to fight for truth and justice.
12) The truth can be hard, fighting for it even harder.

I can't play their game, neither should you!
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