What if it’s time to listen to the POC organizers who delivered GA, AZ, PA, WI and MI to Biden — instead of the formerly GOP politicians or pundits who got the past 4 years so wrong?
John Kasich and Nancy Pelosi might be worried about the Democratic Party moving “too far left.”

But, I’d bet the organizers who mobilized record turnout for Biden want the Democratic Party to move closer to working class voters, and further from corporate interests.
I’m much more interested in what @nseufot, @bsneezy313 and @LUCHA_AZ have to say about the future of the Democratic Party than 80 year olds or Republicans.

I’m sure it sounds much more like @IlhanMN & @AOC than what the corporate interests want you to believe.
When she was at NYT, @JenParker393 did an incredible job of lifting up voices of leaders who were on the frontlines of change.

It would be great for more TV bookers and journalists to reach out to organizers on the ground doing the work, instead of the same old talking heads.
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