Biden won. Maybe the Senate soon. Now do something with it. Obama came in with a mandate but "reached across the aisle" and Mitch rope-a-doped them for six out of eight years. Let's see some real action, hearings with teeth, justice, and progressive legislation. Use it or lose it
There will be those who now say, "We need to put the past behind us and move on as a country rather than relitigate the past. Trump's beaten. Besides, we'll need some of his voters next time around so we don't want to inflame them. We need to look to the future."
We cannot look to the future unless we have addressed the past, cannot know where we're going unless we know where we stand, and what we stand *for*. We beat the man but it's the policies that he supported, and which buoyed him, that now must be exposed and disassembled.
We cannot let bygones be bygones when a quarter million Americans died because of this administration's deliberate neglect and disregard. We cannot encourage a new generation when they know that children suffered and died, for they will not trust us not to let it happen again.
The election of Joe Biden is not the end of the process, only the beginning. His election is not justice on its own terms. It is a means *to* justice, and if the newly configured Powers That Be shrug and smile and say, well, we've moved on...then they will be complicit. Period.
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