this is a good move, but where's the mask mandate and flexibility in remote learning, especially in high schools?

#bced schools aren't a driving force of transmission but that's only because we've been lucky so far. 1/?
case announcements are being made at least a week after the person was actually at school and contract tracing (as far as I know) only start when the announcement is actually made...

we know that there's been a superspreader event in Chilliwack yet we're not 2/?
paying attention to how easy it'd be for that exact same thing to happen in a high school. students and teachers know that covid safety is a trainwreck in high schools yet there's no steps being made to actually ensure our safety.

like i said in the summer right now it's 3/?
go to school and get a decent education or drop out of your own school so that you can take online courses, which is NOT an option if you're taking more specific courses such as AP or something. 4/?
i know so many people (me included) with vulnerable family members, which could even just be themselves, who have to go to classes irl not because they WANT to, but because there's no real option for them.

#bced teachers have been saying this over and over 5/?
but nobody's really listening. students haven't had any kind of platform to raise their concerns too.

and if you think i'm exaggerating... go and ask a high schooler how safe it is COVID-wise in their school. they'll probably respond negatively. 6/?
i know this sounds obnoxious, but you genuinely cannot know how dangerous a potential outbreak could be in a public #bced high school unless you are a teacher or a student.

you also cannot tell me that i am being dramatic or exaggerating if you're a 40-something person who last stepped foot in a high school years ago.

take us seriously and protect us. crazy how we're important yet we've been given the short stick educationally and health wise
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