All of you people trying to dox and ruin the lives of anyone who didn't vote for Biden, and call for tyranny to get around a Republican Senate, need to get some sense talked into you.

If you want to hurt Trump supporters, read below. This thread is for you. ❀
You disagree with somebody? You have that right.

You hate somebody because you think they're a terrible person? Fine.

But you want to fire people from their jobs, humiliate, and ostracize them? You want to threaten people who have a right to free speech?
You want to keep spreading lies about conservatives to make you feel morally superior?

Tell me, do you feel all happy inside with your little egos? Does it scare you to think like an adult and realize the world isn't black and white? To see that people unlike you aren't evil?
Is it fun to name call conservatives? They're all just racist nazis, right? They don't care about the poor or support equal rights. Right?


They're all just cis white men threatening your bubbles. You're better than them, you're so *special*.
Guess what? I can name call too.

You're selfish, smug, petty, whining, slanderous, brainwashed, corrupt, bigoted little commies with fragile superiority complexes.

I'm sorry, did that hurt? Did it hurt getting called out like that?
Unlike what you label conservatives as, that actually describes many Democrats right now.

Imagine being so full of lies and moral superiority that you think it's okay to destroy the lives and families of people who voted for Trump; to think you're so justified.
Ever wonder how in the world Trump has the fanbase he does? I can guarantee you it's not a winning personality or stupidly high amount of racists.

Ever wonder why he gained support in every demographic except white people since 2016? Black, Hispanic, Muslim, LGBT—he gained.
If you think Trump supporters are evil nazis who want to take people's rights and deserve to be beaten down for their political views, I'm looking at you.

*You're* the reason he's gaining support.

I'm sorry, but what you believe about Trump supporters are lies. It's not true.
But you perpetuate these lies; you persecute because of these lies.

So you know why Trump has support? Because of *you*.

People are sick of being lied about and being lied to. They're sick of the fascist group-think and the manipulative media.
Democrats act like they have a right to the black vote, and talk as if black people belong to a hivemind.

Biden himself said you're not black if you don't vote for him.

And that pissed people off. It pisses people off to be treated like that.
If you don't justify attacks against those who disagree with you, this thread isn't for you. Don't worry.

But if you think it's okay to start making lists so you can ruin the lives of Trump voters and their families, you need to rethink your humanity.
If you're mad about them voting for Trump, please understand this:

While people have many different reasons, many people have switched to Trump because of *you*.

Trump's rapid gain of support is all because of you.

People are joining out of spite and frustration.
If you've made it this far, I congratulate you. I hope that you will actually start looking at the facts and rethinking your viewpoint.

Now, you don't have to support him, but the hate has to stop. You cannot hurt people.

In fact, when you do, you dig your grave deeper.
Your actions are why there was no blue wave this election. And if you keep it up, there will be a red wave in 2024.

Perhaps you don't believe me when I say Trump supporters aren't who you think they are. I then encourage you to talk to some.
I encourage you also to do some research.

But perhaps you still don't believe me. That's okay. I'm not asking you to make new friends, or agree with anybody.

What I'm asking is that you view the world more critically. And I ask that you stop trying to hurt people.
If you want to win people away from Trump and conservativism, I can guarantee you that hate, demonization, and threats are not how to do it.

If you continue down this path, you will lose.

Making lists to target people? This is how you lose.
If what I've said has made you uncomfortable, good.

Because as I said, you need to have some sense talked into you and I don't plan to do it with cookies and tea. You've been dishing harsh treatment, so I'll dish it back.
Go ahead and hate me after this. I don't care.

But our country is at a point in time where this just will not do. We can't act like this.

This thread is your warning: stop it.
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