A lot of people changed or showed their true colors the last four years. It amuses me that people like Sarah think they're inoculated from this charge. https://twitter.com/SarahLongwell25/status/1325125331632664583
Invasion of the Body Snatchers did not just happen to pro Trump people. A lot of people on her self congratulatory list were people I respected, admired, even had a friendly relationship with. They turned out to be just as bad, if not worse than some of the pro Trumpers.
I get along well with both sides of that fight, as long as they're not insane. I have no problem with either viewpoint. That position is intolerable to Sarah's circle. That doesn't make those people heroes. It makes them nutballs.
There are people on her list who threw away lifelong friendships because their friends had the audacity to be friendly with pro Trump people. That makes you a bad person, in my opinion. So go ahead and clap yourselves on the backs for your heroism. Some of you lost your souls.
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