Currently having a bout of sadness, so we gonna get sad and talk about how amazing BTS is. How selfless and humble are these guys? You'd expect by this point they'd at least be a bit stuck-up, right? (You can't deny that, it's true). They still show their true selves and donate.
+And go over the top for everyone. Obviously, they're probably exhausted. Yet they still continue to do what they do. I wish they could get a break without having to be filmed. Maybe the whole world could just forget about them for a few months. Then they could actually relax.
++I mean they've done so much for hundreds of thousands of people. We should get them a break, although, that probably won't happen. I mean, the K-pop industry is harsh and strict and has so many rules, even nicer companies like Bighit. (Or at least from what we can tell).
+++Although, this is hard to say. When they start to do their own solo work and step away from BTS, I'll be happy. They'll finally get to do more of what they want, instead of following the ridiculous schedules someone else makes for them.
++++And that's the end of my rant. I think about these things every day. I hope we all do and don't just blissfully ignore it. I wish K-pop industries were less strict. I think we all do. And of course, not only BTS but almost every K-pop artist suffers from these things.
+++++This thread is for everyone who sees it. People may want to ignore the fact that their idols are mistreated. Maybe because they want everything to be okay or they want to stay happy, but we all need a reminder sometimes. Of what's going on. Thank you for listening :)
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