For the folks on the right already tone-policing and calling for unity, saying the left got what they wanted and should therefore shut up, allow me to step in and say the following:
We won and also lost. We didn’t want Biden. He was a concession to the right and the centrists, a way to try to bridge the gap. It barely worked. Plus the House and Senate still are likely in the hands of rich white male conservatives. Please don’t call that a win.
We’ve escaped fascism by the skin of our teeth — barely. Maybe. And we’re all going to suffer the effects of people who see centrists like Biden as liberal extremists for years to come.
I’ll believe the people currently calling for unity actually want it when I see them doing the work on their prejudices. Join us in dismantling hate and then we can talk unity.
There’s no shame in needing to do this. We all need to unpack the far-reaching effects of white supremacy, for our nation and for our selves.
I’m sorry you’re sad.
I’m sorry your feelings are hurt.
But please don’t for a second believe that folks on the left are not feeling the same despite this very, very tenuous “win.”

You want better? Good. So do we.
Let’s do the work together.
But so damn many right voters are not. Will not. Resist the mere idea of self-examination at every turn, often at great cost to our Black, LGBTQ+, Hispanic, immigrant, female, and many other communities.

And you know what?
Fuck that.
As you’ve spit with such vitriol for the last four years: fuck your feelings. We’re not going to apologize for not giving into your hatred, racism, sexism, homophobia, and so many other prejudices.

You didn’t just lose this presidential election.

You lost your way.
You can anyways come back from that. It’ll take work and discomfort, but you can. I’ll be here to support you when you’re ready.

But if all you want to do is double down on your hate and beg us to coddle you — no.

Lives are on the line.

Black lives.
Indigenous lives.
Latinx lives.
Trans lives.
Female lives.
Immigrant lives.
School children’s lives.

We don’t have the time or patience for people who can’t be bothered to care.
You can follow @SheOftheWild.
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