Triangle tattoo part of the lgbtq+ community? Celebs with these tats in a thread.
One of the oldest of symbols to mark the LGBT people is the pink triangle, which was originally used in the Nazi regime. In the holocaust concentration camps, the imprisoned homosexual males were made to wear badges with pink triangles.
But later, the same symbol was reclaimed by the homosexual community and they turned the tables by using it to show their pride and unity in various movements.
I find it interesting that it was first used as a way to mark gay people in confinement. Celebs are maybe feeling the same way in the industry?
Here are some celebs with the tattoo:
Rita Ora: came out as bisexual
Lili Reinhart: came out as bisexual
Ellie Goulding: bisexual (seen kissing with a woman
Lindsey Lohan: gay
Jared Leto: gay/fluid (He has said he was gay but this statement was erased by his management)
Jordan Firstman: gay (and followed by H btw🙂)
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