I would read a 10,000 word article just on how this location was selected for Rudy's press conference. https://twitter.com/pattonoswalt/status/1325132671140327427
Is this really what happened? Our timeline is dumb, but is it THAT dumb? https://twitter.com/SlexAxton/status/1325141204418191361?s=20
A future historical landmark for the final days of Trump tour
Veep-level madness if true
@Fahrenthold, the world needs a tick-tock on this
plausible https://twitter.com/JKastellec/status/1325214008551628801?s=20
that's the rationale at the end - how do they end up making the call? i'm pretty confident there are other secure locations off I-95 https://twitter.com/DanielBush/status/1325143314170048514?s=20
This has to be a cover story - there's no way Giuliani and Lewandowski planned it there originally. Totally implausible. There are lots of places in the Philly region where people wouldn't be cheering. https://twitter.com/anniekarni/status/1325259021167824896?s=20
Just gets weirder and weirder
I will not rest until we get the full story.
Just utterly implausible.

1. We need a friendly secure location off I-95.
2. ???
3. Four Seasons Total Landscaping! https://twitter.com/poniewozik/status/1325265925084508161?s=20
Another theory https://twitter.com/DylanReeve/status/1325266405286060032?s=20
Still the most plausible account https://twitter.com/ajai_dandekar/status/1325266939564879872?s=20
I'm told it's near NE Philadelphia Airport. Possibly convenient for Giuliani if he's getting on a private plane? Still, other options than in front of a landscaping business
Between an adult bookstore and a cremation center! https://twitter.com/n_stenhou/status/1325266713408012288?s=20
The back parking lot!
The best comedy of the 2020 election and it's not close
I would buy merch https://twitter.com/apblumenfeld/status/1325269322340642816?s=20
OMG someone already did it https://twitter.com/sawdustbear/status/1325200682467561472?s=20
I am awaiting my shirt. In the meantime, all of us call out to you, journalists... https://twitter.com/tomgara/status/1325265805148352515?s=20
OMG. @Olivianuzzi was born to write the **** out of this story. Spare no details! https://twitter.com/Olivianuzzi/status/1325289605223100416?s=20
This was me last night https://twitter.com/RexChapman/status/1325566575387291652?s=20
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