A #COVID story:

We have been very careful & diligent.

Masks. Only eating at restaurants if outside. Social dist with friends. Kids can't go in friends' homes. Not seeing grandparents.

But husband let guard down chatting with friend in need. Who 2 days later had COVID symptoms.
So he started quarantine right away. Initial test (d5) negative ----> mild symptoms (d6)---> repeat test (day 10) +.

Fortunately his symptoms are very mild thus far, but here's my takeaway/reminders:
1. Rates are skyrocketing. We got more comfortable outside this summer, smalls groups of people. Inside as rates rising IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT RISK LEVEL.
2. People are *most* contagious prior to symptom onset. That's the problem.
3. Quarantine diligently after potential exposure. Even if other person's test pending. Even if you're not sure you were really that close. Even if you feel fine. Even if you think it's overkill.
4. IT'S A PRIVILEGE TO BE ABLE TO QUARANTINE. It's a privilege to have the space. And the ability to work from home. And someone to care for you. And childcare.
5. EARLY TESTING CAN BE NEGATIVE. Duh. We know this. But the word isn't getting out. It's like taking a pregnancy test too early. Yes, it may *really* be negative. Or it could be *not yet positive.*
6. It's very easy to blow off mild symptoms. Hubs thought muscle aches from a long run. Mild cough from allergies. Etc. Etc. Be suspicious and attentive. Yeah, other things are going around, but so is COVID.
8. There's a crisis of childcare. When kids can't go to school, parents can't take off work, babysitters can't come over, grandparents can't help out. These challenges fall disproportionately on women.
9. For the most part, people with COVID thankfully do ok. But it's our obligation to do our part to arduously prevent spread to others & our community.
10. Whew. I'm exhausted. Even with all the support and resources at my disposal.
(Let me also make it clear that ALMOST EVERYONE--particularly nonmed friends--told him I was overreacting. But I saved kids & myself, friends, sitter, teacher, classmates, contactor working at house, cleaning people, orthodontist, & his dentist all from being exposed this week.)
Ok, one last point.

It's unfair. It's unfair some can party and hang out with people and not wear masks, and not get infected.

And others can just make one lapse in judgement. Or get exposed helping people at work. Or be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
We need to avoid shaming or it will just encourage people to hide their infections, not tell potential exposures, & make everyone just feel even worse.
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