I am several celebratory mimosas in and made myself the Four Seasons Total Landscaping shirt I desperately wanted in my life. If you want it too, I'm tossing all profits to the Georgia runoffs. https://shopclass.threadless.com/designs/four-seasons-total-landscaping/womens/t-shirt/ringer-unisex
I think we've raised $500 for the Georgia runoffs so far(profits are between $1.5-$7 per shirt, Threadless is slow to update profit dashboards)?!!
to be clear, I am donating profits to the DEMOCRATS(Ossoff and Warnock) in the Georgia runoffs, as well as grassroots progressive GOTV orgs led by BIPOC, in case anyone did not already know me and was confused.😂
It will take some time for Threadless to get me an accounting and payout of profits(but I think it’ll be $5000+) but I’ll split the profits between Warnock and Ossoff campaigns, and Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight( http://fairfight.org ), which is doing integral voter access work!

1. We raised $28k+!!
2. This is now a tax problem for me!
3. Please be patient as I sort accounting, and wait 2 weeks for Threadless to actually send/transfer money.
4. Here are my max contribution receipts for the Senate runoff campaigns.
5. Shirt comes down at 2pm PST.
So, this is not my first fundraiser and I have been self employed for years; this is a surprise, but not a fluke.

I know what non-profit donation tax deductions are and the effect they have on your taxes, please rest assured that I am more familiar with my taxes than you are.
This shirt was available for 24 hours on Nov 7th, in celebration of the absurdity of the end of the Trump campaign.

It was never available on black, and it is no longer available for sale, because some things are meant to be ephemeral and orange, like sunsets and Gritty’s fur.
I left tote bags up(because I can't have an empty listing to simply inform people of this), and 100% of those proceeds are going to the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network(Threadless does not list any voting rights non-profits). https://shopclass.threadless.com/designs/four-seasons-total-landscaping
Okay, there is a chance I make it available as a shirt again! It just requires some talking with @threadless(and maybe some non-profit pals) to figure out the best way to distribute this money as donations in a way that doesn’t personally ruin me!
SHIRTS ARE BACK! I will be working directly with Threadless to get money directly to voting charities(the ones mentioned earlier)!! However, I am still refusing to offer shirts on black, out of respect for the beautiful oranges of Gritty's fur. Thank you.
We hit $100k this morning. I am flabbergasted. This is the spreadsheet I just sent to @threadless letting them know how I'd like to distribute the first $100k(the rest will be donated too, please assume I am overwhelmed with messages right now).

We hit $150k. Threadless has ADDED @fairfightaction to their Causes; I have enabled it for purchases going forward, which @threadless will match at $1 per shirt. Donations prior to this are now split amongst the 10 non-profits listed in the spreadsheet!

The “end” to this wild ride is that @threadless just did the logistics on distributing $172k to 10 different voting rights charities, mostly ones based out of Georgia. All other proceeds are going to Fair Fight. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with them.❀
You can follow @sawdustbear.
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